Cdha Collective Agreement

CDHA Collective Agreement: Understanding the Basics

The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA) is the national professional association that represents over 29,000 dental hygienists across Canada. The CDHA advocates for the advancement and recognition of dental hygiene as a key component of oral health care. One way in which the CDHA supports its members is by negotiating collective agreements with employers on their behalf.

What is a Collective Agreement?

A collective agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between a union (such as the CDHA) and an employer. It covers a range of issues, including wages, benefits, working conditions, and dispute resolution processes.

The CDHA negotiates collective agreements with provincial dental hygiene associations, which in turn negotiate with local employers. This ensures that the terms of the agreement reflect the needs and priorities of dental hygienists in each province.

What is Covered in a CDHA Collective Agreement?

The specific details of a CDHA collective agreement may vary between provinces and employers, but typically include the following provisions:

Wages and Benefits: The agreement outlines the minimum wage for dental hygienists, as well as any increases that may be negotiated over the term of the agreement. It also covers benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, and vacation time.

Working Conditions: The agreement specifies the hours of work, overtime pay rates, and rules for scheduling and shift changes. It also covers issues such as job security, health and safety, and workplace harassment and discrimination.

Professional Development: The CDHA places a strong emphasis on continuing education and professional development for dental hygienists. The collective agreement may include provisions for paid time off to attend conferences and courses.

Dispute Resolution: The agreement outlines the process for resolving disputes between the union and the employer, such as grievances or arbitration.

Why is a Collective Agreement Important?

Collective agreements are important for several reasons:

Fairness: A collective agreement ensures that all dental hygienists are treated fairly and have access to the same benefits and working conditions.

Security: The agreement provides job security by outlining the terms and conditions of employment, which cannot be changed unilaterally by the employer.

Power: By negotiating as a group, dental hygienists have more bargaining power than they would as individuals. This can lead to better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

In conclusion, the CDHA collective agreement is an important tool for ensuring fair and equitable treatment of dental hygienists across Canada. By negotiating on behalf of its members, the CDHA helps to elevate the profession and advance the delivery of quality oral health care services.